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United Way Sopinka Lunch

On Thursday, November 30, 2023, Agro Zaffiro LLP was honoured to once again participate in the 22nd Annual Sopinka United Way Legal Luncheon.

This event is unique to the Hamilton Bar as every year a keynote Speaker from the Supreme Court of Canada travels from Ottawa in support of the incredible efforts made by the United Way of Halton & Hamilton. This year the Honourable Justice Michelle O’Bonsawin shared her experience as not only as being the first Indigenous-Canadian to serve on the Supreme Court, but also her legal expertise on areas such as mental health law and its intersectionality with the Gladue principles. Her Honour emphasized the responsibility of everyone to advocate for mental health awareness and support programs which is one of many key goals of the United Way.

Many thanks to the 2023 Sopinka Committee, including Agro Zaffiro’s own Ted Key, for another informative event which highlights the incredible efforts of the local Halton & Hamilton United Way!