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Mediation Services

Mediation Services

As we all know, lawsuits come with significant costs including time and energy.  Added to that is the uncertainty of when it will be completed and what the result will be.

Alternative Dispute Resolution via mediation and arbitration is a cost effective means to resolve litigation, once and for all. This is the focus of our ADR group.

Our team has significant experience in litigating insurance issues. That experience will be put to good use to resolve your ongoing matters.



Voluntary mediation allows the parties to resolve their disputes by a process they can control. Our lawyers are highly trained and have the experience to allow the parties to achieve an individually designed resolution.

To book a mediation with Dwain Burns, please contact his assistant, Marsha Didone, at

To book a mediation with Jeffrey Naganobu, please contact his assistant, Jennifer Fetter, at


If the parties have been unable to resolve their dispute by negotiation, we can provide our services as Arbitrators to move the matter to conclusion.  We have experience in loss transfer and accident benefit priority to conduct the process proactively and professionally.


Our Lawyers in Mediation Services